Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hair falling out!! - Dermatology - MedHelp - Hair Falling Out

Hair falling out!! - Dermatology - MedHelp - Hair Falling Out, Hi,I am 23 yr. old female, and i am loosing my hair. I have noticed my hair has got thinner, and i am almost going bald frontally. I had very thick black hair but now i am afraid even to wash it. E...

Hi,I am 23 yr. old female, and i am loosing my hair. I have noticed my hair has got thinner, and i am almost going bald frontally. I had very thick black hair but now i am afraid even to wash it. E...,Hair falling out!! - Dermatology - MedHelp - Hair Falling Out

Welcome to the DERMATOLOGY FORUM! This forum is for questions and support regarding skin problems, hair problems and nail problems. Questions in this forum are being answered by Jasmina Jankicevic, MD.

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hair fell out

Hi,I am 23 yr. old female, and i am loosing my hair. I have noticed my hair has got thinner, and i am almost going bald frontally. I had very thick black hair but now i am afraid even to wash it. E...,Hair falling out!! - Dermatology - MedHelp - Hair Falling Out

Friday, May 27, 2011

Why is My Hair Falling Out? Understanding Hair Loss - Associated Content from Yahoo! - - Hair Falling Out

Why is My Hair Falling Out? Understanding Hair Loss - Associated Content from Yahoo! - - Hair Falling Out,

,Why is My Hair Falling Out? Understanding Hair Loss - Associated Content from Yahoo! - - Hair Falling Out

When you start to notice your hair falling out you are likely to try to hide it, you get shy and embarrassed. After you get over the initial shock of your hair falling out you might begin wondering what causes hair

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,Why is My Hair Falling Out? Understanding Hair Loss - Associated Content from Yahoo! - - Hair Falling Out

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rogaine | Women's Hair Loss Project - Hair Falling Out

Rogaine | Women's Hair Loss Project - Hair Falling Out,

,Rogaine | Women's Hair Loss Project - Hair Falling Out

So she referred me to a dermatologist and on my own I sought out an endocrinologist because I have other symptoms. An endocrinologist is now looking into a possible underactive adrenal gland now because my cortisol level was borderline low. At the same time, my dermatologist did a biopsy of my scalp and found telogen effluvium AND androgenetic alopecia. SHOCK! No women in my family have this problem. So, I am wondering if you

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male pattern baldness

,Rogaine | Women's Hair Loss Project - Hair Falling Out

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hair Falling Out after Pregnancy - Hair Falling Out

Hair Falling Out after Pregnancy - Hair Falling Out, Want to know details of hair falling out after pregnancy? Well, then you need to read following write up and help yourself. Hair Falling Out after Pregnancy.

Want to know details of hair falling out after pregnancy? Well, then you need to read following write up and help yourself. Hair Falling Out after Pregnancy.,Hair Falling Out after Pregnancy - Hair Falling Out

, but there is no need to worry much since it is a part and parcel of being pregnant. We all know, pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes since the body is preparing for the new born. Hormone levels do affect hair growth considerably and strongest

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Want to know details of hair falling out after pregnancy? Well, then you need to read following write up and help yourself. Hair Falling Out after Pregnancy.,Hair Falling Out after Pregnancy - Hair Falling Out

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My hair is falling out – what are the options? - Hair Falling Out

My hair is falling out – what are the options? - Hair Falling Out, I'm losing my hair - it's happening slowly but surely. I also have an itchy and flaky scalp. It’s getting to a stage where I can’t a...

I'm losing my hair - it's happening slowly but surely. I also have an itchy and flaky scalp. It’s getting to a stage where I can’t a...,My hair is falling out – what are the options? - Hair Falling Out

About 15 per cent of patients get medium regrowth, whereas 50
per cent get the benefit of some delay in hair loss. Once the twice-daily
applications are stopped the benefit ceases and the regrowth recedes.

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hair falling out

I'm losing my hair - it's happening slowly but surely. I also have an itchy and flaky scalp. It’s getting to a stage where I can’t a...,My hair is falling out – what are the options? - Hair Falling Out

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Alopecia Areata Hair Loss - Hair Falling Out

Alopecia Areata Hair Loss - Hair Falling Out,

,Alopecia Areata Hair Loss - Hair Falling Out

Alopecia areata is the name for a condition in
which round patches of hair loss appear suddenly. The hair-growing tissue is attacked by
the patient's own immune cells for unknown reasons. There are three stages: first, there
is sudden hair loss, then the patches of hair loss enlarge, and last, new hair grows back.
This process takes months, sometimes more than a year, but rarely does the hair never grow

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hair falling out

,Alopecia Areata Hair Loss - Hair Falling Out

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Can Dry Hair Cause Hair Loss? - Hair Falling Out

Can Dry Hair Cause Hair Loss? - Hair Falling Out,

,Can Dry Hair Cause Hair Loss? - Hair Falling Out

Dull, brittle and too dry hair is quite an unpleasant condition to deal with. Many of use experience what is it like to have dry and brittle hair in summer time, when we are exposed to excessive sunlight or when we go to swim in chlorinated water. That is why it is very important to take care about your hair properly in hot summer days, apply moisturizers, conditioners and other hair care products, and avoid prolonged direct sun exposure.

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,Can Dry Hair Cause Hair Loss? - Hair Falling Out

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Female Hair Loss - Hair Falling Out

Female Hair Loss - Hair Falling Out,

,Female Hair Loss - Hair Falling Out

Men lose their hair for a variety of reasons, the most common one being male pattern baldness. This hereditary condition usually starts when a man is in his late twenties or early thirties and results in a permanent form of hair loss.

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,Female Hair Loss - Hair Falling Out